Geriatric care is Psychological and sociological wellness development program to the elders and others improve their quality of life, and maintain their independence for as long as possible. (Geriatric care Also known as "Elder care", "senior health care“ and "professional care") Geriatric care wellness consultancy : entails working with old age persons and their families in managing, rendering and helping with various types of personal health and social reality management approach.
Geriatric care service : with Mind Lab Analysisincluding personal behaviour, thinking pattern, life script analysis, family dynamics, social behavior, spouse relationship, children issues, child or spouseseparation distress, Empty Nest Syndrome, past and present life crisis, assessments to identify needs and problems, financial and family loss, memory impairment. Stress level analysis,
Mindset knowledge multi therapeutic approach to live happy with healthy with direct consultancy or Online or direct home visit
Benefit of memberships : Registered members can get free online or phone line consultancy freely