Learning Lab - MSK Exploring Fu-Gen Learning For Higher Professional Education

A laboratory is a place where experimenting exploration happen, at our MSK Learning Lab- scientific experiments involving analysis and assessment to recommend exact learning solution needs.

Learning Lab (LL) is a systematic informational transformation mind set knowledge analyzing methodology to develop learning process in Academic Higher Education and Corporate Hyper Fitness.

The Learning Lab is designed to assess the 360 degree Individual Academic Performanceand corporate learning behavior with International Learning solution.

Learning Lab : Individual personalizedconsultancy (NO Group or Class room)

Learning Lab specialty : NO ATM (No advice, No Tutorial, No Medicine) No Counseling

Beneficiaries of Learning Lab :
  • Professional Medical Students:MBBBS, MD,
  • Competitive Exam: IAS, IPS, CA, etc. all Exam
  • Medical NEET Entrance : After +2
  • Basic preparatory Educational & Academicals Learning Below +2 & 10 Standard
Learning Lab Facilitating Transformative Learning Spaces and Functional Knowledge :

We use lab methodologies to explore the pre- mind set in the learning environments, schools, and new educational futures.

Facilitate to Learning Space (Alternative of the Class Room) :

Learning space or learning setting refers to a physical setting for a learning environment, a place in which teaching and learning occur. The term is commonly used as a more definitive alternative to "classroom," but it may also refer to an indoor or outdoor location, either actual or virtual.

Learning Lab individual Exploration :
  • Behaviorism
  • Cognitive Information Processing
  • Constructivism
  • Experientialism and
  • Social learning which underpin personal learning.
Analyzing learning Behaviour and barriers :

Learning barriers impeding their ability to access learning. These include :

Barrier Description
Social and cultural barriers :
personal barrier :

Peer pressure and family background over or under demand Transport; time; disability; caring responsibilities; Parent care; finance; cost; age; language; and lack of access to information lack of self-esteem or confidence due to low skills levels;

Emotional barriers :

Negative personal experience of learning; previously undetected or unaddressed learning disabilities; social problems such as unemployment, abuse or bullying, new place

Intuitional barriers :

Time off; access; discrimination; unsupportive teachers & friends; shift work; isolation, family& friends problem,

Writing & Presentation :

Memory, recalling delay,writingproblem,

Study habit analysis :

Span of attention, concentration, short time reading Procrastination, passive study habit with digital attachment, Daily Reading & writing behaviour, time & mind anxiety Over or under sleeping, day sleeping. Game addiction.

Listening & Comprehension :

Listening & Reading comprehension,flow the instruction, Instruction decoding problem, request torepeat the instructions Unconscious Day dreaming. Frequent anger. Eye shores.

Personal Health Issues :

Headache, over tiredness, stress, tension, math &English anxiety, Working Memory and Attention.Impulsivity and hyperactivity

Learning ability analysis :

In addition to other common barriers to learning, around 1.5 million people in the UK have learning related issues. That affect informationunderstanding interpretation, communication, or learn new skills, and include difficulty reading, difficulty writing, and difficulty with mathematics. The severity of a learning issues varies from person to person.

Learning Lab functional behavior analysis :

A Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is a process that identifies specific target behavior, the purpose of the behavior, and what factors maintain the behavior that is interfering with the student's educational progress.

Behavior is form of communication – the way getting needs meet, the two most common needs 1. To obtain something and 2.To avoid something Functional behavioral assessment helps to identify the triggers

Learning Functional Assessment :

A functional assessment is an approach to figuring out why individual acts a certain pathway. It uses a variety of techniques to understand what’s behind inappropriate behaviors. This includes looking at non-academic factors that might be contributing to learning frustration.

Assessing behavioral styles :

There are major behavioral styles : analytical, amiable, driver and expressive and finding suitable learning styles.

Assessing Analytical behavior for Higher Education :

Definition and Behavioral Indicators of Analytical Thinking/Problem Solving. ANALYTICAL THINKING/PROBLEM SOLVING – works systematically and logically to resolve problems, identifying the International learning solution needs.

MSK Analytical skills are kind of problem solving skill. They allow you to evaluate simple or complex problems. This skill incorporates many skills like attention to detail, critical thinking ability, decision making, and researching skills in order to analyze a question or problem and reach a solution

Learning Lab Analysis and International Learning Solution :

International Learning Solution will help to improve learning process including Analytical thinking,this is a critical component of visual thinking that gives one the ability to solve problems quickly and effectively.to become corporate professionals.