MSK Life Clinic Specialty

MSK - suitable behavioral prescription and on- life assistance and with timely review

MSK Post –training and therapeutic care with thinking nurturing

MSK - 24/7 Emergence -First-Aids -phone line consultation

MSK Career Fitness Analysis :

"The best way to predict our future is to create it." ~ Peter Drucker

MSK Career counseling assists individual’s to identify the factors that influencing their career development.

  • Identify your personality, interests attitude and abilities
  • Make education/life decisions/Life balance
  • Take a career skill assessment & skill improvement
  • Create a plan to market yourself& personal grooming
  • Cope with parents, friends, collage& chosen subject
  • Develop communication skills with life skill
  • Manage emotions related issues

MSK Carrier guidance therapeutic training for learning related problem :

students may suffer one particular type of learning problem, while others may have difficulty in a combination of areas.

Dyslexia :

Involves mixing up words/letters while reading and/or writing language Signs include reading slowly, trouble with spelling, substituting words with one another

Dyscalculia :

Difficulty understanding and applying mathematical concepts Signs include having problems with time, value, simple math, sequencing and money to name a few.

Dysgraphia :

Difficulty in writing Signs include ineligible writing, mixing small/upper case together, mixing print/cursive together, spaces words incorrectly, misses words and/or letters while writing. Usually the teens writing will be slow and they might hold a pen/pencil awkwardly.

Dyspraxia :

A disability that involves problems with motor coordination and Sensory Integration Disorder (a neurological disorder) Signs include stumbling, breaking things, trouble with fine motor skills, sensitivity to touch and/or sounds.

Anhedonia :

Loss of interest in activities particularly at study and homework accompany social withdrawal