MSK for Suicidal prevention counseling and mentoring program

MSK life clinic foundation helps to overcome the difficulties and to lead the life with healthy and happy.

  • Isolation or loneliness from family or friendship or marriage failure
  • The breakdown of an important relationship. OR feeling as no one takes care.
  • Exam failure loss of FIRST place- at work or home or school/collage.
  • Sudden death OR loss of husband wife-child-friendship-job-money-
  • Work problems-unemployment OR poor job poor salary Feel as ugly.
  • Adjusting to a big change, such as retirement or redundancy or Life.
  • Debt problems OR Fear about society-criticism-shyness- Loss of business.
  • Teenage Pregnancy, childbirth or postnatal depression-parental problem.
  • Long-term physical pain or illness or sleeplessness or cell phone abuse
  • Doubts about your sexual or gender identity or cannot get demanded things
  • Facing discrimination ON Family OR Friendship or school/collage
  • History of sexual or physical abuse. OR LOVE failure
Sign and Symptom - experience as :
  • Sleeping badly and waking early
  • A change in appetite
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Ffeeling cut off from your body or physically numb
  • A loss of energy
  • It may have stopped taking care of himself e.g. neglecting your physical appearance